Monday, October 29, 2007

October 2006 StoresOnline Merchant Newsletter

As we are nearing the Christmas season, just a reminder to start thinking about the strategies you will want to use during the Christmas holiday, such as “seasonal sales,” “after Thanksgiving Day Special,” etc. You will also want to focus on the wording you use on your site during this season. Although you don’t want to change the main crux of your messaging, you may want to add some verbiage specifically for this time of year.

Some examples would be to say things along the line of: “This item would make a perfect gift at Christmas,” or “Imagine little Jimmy on Christmas morning when he unwraps his presents to find ‘your product goes here.” Although these may be a little far-fetched, hopefully they will get your mind thinking on verbiage that you can apply to your text for this Christmas season.

Since we’re on the topic of verbiage, let’s discuss Ad Copy, which is the text that you write on your site. Ad Copy is one of the most important aspects affecting your conversion rates.

Here are 8 rules to live by when creating your Ad Copy:

Longer copy is usually better

Because it has a much higher probability of addressing all of the questions and concerns of a prospective buyer.

Address the buyers not the “lookers”

Buyers are the ones most interested in the details of what you are selling and are likely to read most, if not all, of your Ad Copy.

Use exciting adjectives and powerful words

Examples include: Free, Discover, Easy, Guaranteed, Improved, Proven, Save, Best, etc.

Appeal to emotion

Truly excellent Ad Copy appeals to the emotions and make the reader feel as opposed to just think: it leads to an emotional decision, not a logical one.

No feature left alone

It is important to ensure that all features on your web site are accompanied by a benefit.

Benefits first

People buy benefits, not features, so experiment with putting your benefits before your features.

Keyword rich copy

Is done primarily for your search engine marketing strategies, however, it is important to implement keywords throughout your text when writing your Ad Copy.

Unique content and information

Every web site can and should contain purely informational and educational content. Having a content-rich web site can dramatically improve traffic, credibility, and sales.

By following these Ad Copy rules you can ensure that your Ad Copy will induce your visitors to make purchases from you.