Monday, October 29, 2007

Summer 2006 StoresOnline Merchant Newsletter

Last month we talked about one form of link building, Stealth Linking. This is just one of many link building strategies you can employ. In order to understand why you would use link-building strategies, you should first investigate and understand Google's Page Ranking feature.

Google Page Rank

Google's Page Rank is the measure of the importance of a specific page based on a 10-point scale (0 being the lowest and 10 being the highest). A page's rank is determined on the quantity of qualified links pointing into the Web page. In addition, according to Google, high-quality Web sites receive a higher PageRank (i.e. 4 or higher).

To effectively use the Page Rank in your favor, you need to have as many high (4 or higher) page-ranked sites pointing to your site as possible.

To view a site's page rank, you must download the Google Toolbar. You can download the toolbar by going to:

Why is Page Rank important?

Achieving a high page rank (4 or 5 for small e-commerce Web sites) is a must when you are employing other marketing strategies to drive traffic to your Web site. One such marketing strategy is Relevancy Search Engines. Consider this, Google will not allow you to show up on the first page of their Search Engine unless
you have a page rank of 3 or higher. Therefore, it is a must to achieve a good page rank.

Also, if your Web site has a page rank of 4 or higher, the more frequently Google’s spyder (A.K.A. Googlebot) will visit your Web site.

How do you achieve a Page Rank 4 or Higher?

You need to have as many high page ranked sites linking to your site as possible. Several easy ways to achieve this is by submitting to Live Directories and Vertical Portals. You can also follow the Link Trading strategies mentioned in Merchant Services.

Now that you know about Google Page Rank and how it works, you can achieve a Page Rank of 4 or higher and enjoy its fringe benefits.

Local Markets Expand After Partnership with StoresOnline

Scott PollackAs Scott Pollock, a Texas resident involved in scrap metal and automotive cores, was trying to self-learn website design and marketing, he attended a StoresOnline presentation and found what he was looking for.

Scott and his FiancĂ© attended a short StoresOnline presentation and a subsequent all-day workshop in San Antonio. During the workshop, they were impressed with what they learned. The topics presented were a “hot button on my learning. I was trying to self-learn right then because I wanted to build a website to sell products or services online,” Scott said.

Before attending the all-day workshop, Scott didn’t know what products or services he wanted to sell for his business, but “half-way through the workshop…I had ideas just clicking in my head,” Scott said. So, with his ideas and a desire to build a website, market, and sell a product online, Scott purchased six website licenses.

After the workshop, Scott decided to sell products related to his business of ten years, selling scrap metal and automotive cores. Scott sat down with his good friend Hugo Sanchez, a buyer of engine and cylinder head cores, and worked out a plan. “You’ve got a great business locally. What do you
say we take this thing international?” Scott said to Hugo. Then together, they worked out the pricing, made a deal, and then shook hands on it.

“I started working on my website a week after I bought it,” Scott said. With almost 400 products to add initially, Scott took a few months [Feb. 2004 – Sept. 2004] to put it all together and then launched it. Afterwards “I worked diligently to add the rest of the products [over 800], and had all of the products in by Nov. 1st,” Scott said.

Because Scott decided to design and build the website himself, he discovered the ease and simplicity of the StoresOnline software. “I found that using the software to build the site was very easy, especially with the tutorials and the fantastic customer service that StoresOnline gives. The people over at StoresOnline are just fantastic.” “A lot of times I would call them first thing in the morning, because I’d be working on the site at night. I’d call first thing in the morning to clear up something that I ran into a problem doing,” Scott said. “Or, if I was really hung up, and I was wide-awake at 3:00 in the morning, I got onto the chat and got the problem worked out right then and there.”

After launching his website, Scott began to employ some of the techniques he learned at the all-day workshop. “The [workshop] speakers went in depth on how to use the pay-per-click. I absorbed all that knowledge, used the pages of the notes that I made, and went to work doing my research.”

“I did a keyword analysis, a reverse search, and got all the main keywords,” Scott said. He then took the keyword information and began to employ a pay-per-click campaign. In terms of sales, “we went from dead zero to USD$10,000/month right from the start—just coming out of the gate—and all I used was pay-per-click.”

“Between the cylinder heads and catalytic converters, right now, I’ve got approximately 180 keywords that I’m bidding on, which most of them are only 10 cents,“ Scott said.

Scott’s business is going steady and he credits StoresOnline’s influence on his business. “The impact of StoresOnline has given me a good steady business. It’s a strong business, and it’s growing steadily. I see growth every month or two. It just keeps growing,” Scott said. The partnership with StoresOnline has “completely changed my life.”

As business continued to grow internationally, the local market and its competitors of San Antonio have not had steady growth. “In our local economy, all the other machine shops have called and indicated they don’t have much business,” Scott said from a conversation with Hugo. The competitors ask, “
Well, how are you doing?” Hugo replies, “We can’t keep up with it.” “Well, what are you doing? ” the competitors ask. Hugo replies, “Oh, we’ve got some other different things going.” But Hugo doesn’t tell his competition anything, because he doesn’t want to
lose the good things they have going. “We sell a few heads a month from the local market, but it’s actually the national and international market where we’ve sold the most.”

“I am sold on StoresOnline—the ease of use, and just the product alone. You can build such a fantastic website, that you can do literally almost anything with,” Scott said. “StoresOnline has the best programs, the best support, and the best product available today.”

Visit Scott’s websites at

*Testimonial results are not typical and your individual results will vary.

Your success depends on having the right price, product, and marketing efforts.